Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

January 1. The first day of the year. New beginnings. The start of a billion different resolutions around the world. Plans to lose weight, get finances in order, become more organized or learn a new language are all the usual promises given to this day. All things I would gladly like to scratch off  my to-do list as well. But somewhere along the next coming days, weeks, or maybe even hours, I'll deviate from my resolution and then want to kick myself for not speaking fluent Spanish by the first week of February. So I'm going to try something different this year. Just one resolution I'll claim: To live out my life more like Christ than I did the year before.

What does that mean exactly? Well, do I have major goals I want to accomplish-yes! Everyone should. Goals are awesome. But I don't want to call "losing weight" a resolution. I want to live it out in everything I do. Will I eat barbecue on 4th of July? Yes. (Patriotic duty as an American-hello!) And will I have a couple of spoonfuls of vanilla Blue Bell ice cream around midnight for a snack...probably. But the goal is to be healthy to bring glory to God first, (Romans 12:1) and to be able to carry out my duties for my family.

Money. Yikes. Do I really want to write something about this? Seems necessary. I'm no financial expert. My bank account can confirm this, but as a believer in Christ we are called to be a good steward of our resources. (Luke 16:1-13) It's not your money to begin with...who do you think designed the talents you call your own to have the job that you do...or place you in the position you have? So the monetary wages I am blessed with bi-weekly are certainly not mine to waste on whatever I please. Remember the order, God first, family is next and then everything get the picture. My goal is to live out that order.

I love to write. So this blogging thing should be pretty easy to do. In case you haven't caught on by now, my motto for 2012 will simply be to : "Live It Out"! I hope to share my joys and trials of this year as I make some major life adjustments to grow in my walk with Christ and strive to be all that He is calling me to be as a believer, wife and mother. Happy New Year everyone!